以下是西佐治亚大学的隐私和法律声明,其网站和遵守欧盟一般数据保护条例(“欧盟GDPR”). 澳门新葡京官方网站的隐私和法律通知或遵守欧盟GDPR的问题可以发送到 dataprivacy@eve-lang.com.


What We Collect and Why

澳门新普京注册澳门新普京注册)收集个人或实体访问任何澳门新普京注册网站时的信息. Information collected from this contact is the contactor’s IP address, the date and time of the website access, and the web pages(s) visited. In addition, 澳门新普京注册 may also collect any information it receives from your web browser, including browser type, version, and operating system. This information helps us understand aggregate uses of our site, track usage trends, and improve our services.


cookie是许多网站传输到用户网络浏览器的文件,以使网站能够提供个性化服务或提供持久身份验证. cookie中的信息通常包括web服务器自动收集的信息和/或用户自愿提供的信息. 澳门新葡京官方网站的网站与第三方技术合作伙伴一起使用持久cookie来分析搜索引擎使用情况和网络流量模式. 这些信息被用于监控和改进澳门新葡京官方网站的网页. It is not used to track the usage patterns of individual users.


Our office is committed to ensuring the security of your information. We have put reasonable physical, technical, 以及旨在防止未经授权访问或使用在线收集的信息的行政保障措施.

Sharing Your Information

We will not share your information with third parties except:

  • as required by law;
  • as necessary to protect University interests;
  • 根据适当的数据管理员和委员会的批准,进一步开展大学的研究工作 IRB; and/or
  • 代表澳门新葡京官方网站的服务提供商同意保护数据的机密性.

Links to Other Websites

本网站可能包含与大学无关的其他网站的链接. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these other sites. 澳门新葡京官方网站鼓励您阅读其他网站的隐私声明,以确保他们的做法保护您的隐私.

Legal Notice

Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, nothing contained herein constitutes nor is intended to constitute an offer, inducement, promise, or contract of any kind. 此处包含的数据仅供参考,并不代表没有错误. Any links to non-澳门新普京注册 information are provided as a courtesy. 它们既不打算也不构成澳门新普京注册对链接材料的认可.

European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) Privacy Notice

Lawful Basis for Collecting and Processing of Personal Data

澳门新普京注册是一所涉及教育的高等教育机构, research, and community development. For 澳门新普京注册 to educate its students both in class and on-line, engage in world-class research, and provide community services, it is essential and necessary to collect, process, use, and maintain data of its students, employees, applicants, research subjects, and others involved in its educational, research, and community programs. The lawful bases for collection and use of this data include, without limitation, admission, registration, delivery of classroom, on-line, and study abroad education, grades, communications, employment, applied research, development, program analysis for improvements, and records retention. 澳门新普京注册可能需要收集的与合法基础相关的数据示例包括姓名, email address, IP address, physical address or other location identifier, photos, and sensitive personal data obtained with prior consent.


1. 为了澳门新普京注册或第三方在提供教育方面追求合法利益,有必要进行处理, employment, research and development, and community programs.

2. 处理是履行数据主体为当事人的合同或在订立合同前应数据主体的要求采取步骤所必需的. This lawful basis pertains primarily but not exclusively to research contracts.

3. 为了遵守澳门新普京注册所承担的法律义务,处理是必要的. 这一法律基础主要涉及但不限于遵守州和联邦法律. 例如,向美国教育部提供入学数据,并按照美国国税局的要求提供就业和薪资数据.

4. 资料当事人已同意为一个或多个特定目的处理其个人资料. 这一法律基础主要涉及保护研究对象和提供医疗和心理健康服务.


Types of Personal Data Collected and Why

As referenced above, 澳门新普京注册收集个人和敏感数据,以满足其合法基础之一. Most often, the data is used for academic admissions, enrollment, educational programs, job hiring, provision of medical services, participation in research, development, and community outreach. Data typically includes name, address, transcripts, work history, information for payroll, research subject information, medical and health information (for student health services or travel), and donations.

如资料当事人拒绝提供澳门新普京注册就其合法依据收集该等个人资料所要求的个人资料, such refusal may make it impossible for 澳门新普京注册 to provide education, employment, research, or other requested services.


澳门新普京注册从多个来源接收个人和敏感的个人数据. Most often, 澳门新普京注册直接从数据主体处获取这些数据,或者在数据主体将数据提供给第三方的指导下获取这些数据.

Individual Rights of the Data Subject under the EU GDPR


1. information about the controller collecting the data,

2. the data protection officer's contact information,

3. 收集/处理数据的目的和法律依据/合法权益;

4. recipients of the personal data,


6. the period the personal data will be stored,

7. the existence of the right to access, rectify incorrect data or erase personal data, restrict or object to processing, and the right to data portability,

8. the existence of the right to withdraw consent at any time,

9. the right to complain to a supervisory authority (established in the EU),

10. 为什么需要提供个人资料,以及不提供资料可能造成的后果;

11. the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and

12. 如果收集的数据将被进一步处理,而不是用于收集数据的目的.



See above.

Security of Personal Data subject to the EU GDPR


We will not share your information with third parties except:

  • as necessary to meet one of its lawful purposes, including but not limited to its legitimate interest, contract compliance, pursuant to consent provided by you, or as required by law;
  • as necessary to protect 澳门新普京注册 interests; or
  • 代表澳门新葡京官方网站的服务提供商同意保护数据的机密性.

Data Retention

西佐治亚大学在佐治亚大学系统记录保留时间表中指定的期限内保存其收集的数据. See 澳门新普京注册 Policy 1008 Records Information Management (RIM) Policy.